
We are a church with a more than intriguing past filled with challenges and opportunities to learn and grow.  This has led to our present state as a peace and grace filled  community, looking forward to a future full of hope.

Our aim is to grow each day to be more who God has created us to be, as congregations and as individuals; and to be of whatever service we can to you in the same endeavor.

We believe Christianity has too often earned itself a bad rap for being judgmental and holier than thou, making God out to be a hard task master, and Christianity into a religion instead of a joyful experience of grace and loving communion among all people [which our name, Grace Communion International stands for].

We have congregations around the world, and more particularly,  Camira, Logan and Carina.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if are looking for a place to belong, and be part of a warm, accepting and caring community.  We aren’t here to judge or to change you, just to care and support you in whatever way we can as you move along in your spiritual journey.